
Monday, April 30, 2007

Save the Sloth

Save the Sloth

I highly recommend you check out this site and bookmark it or add it to your bloglines. Just do something so that you can keep up with this site. It will encourage you and give you many things to think on and ponder. It will cause you to maybe see things in a different light than you had before.

I love this site and will be taking the challenge this week. I'll update you on how that goes for me. I encourage you to take the challenge too. Let me know how yours goes as well.

Go now. Now. Close my page and go check out the sloth page. You won't be sorry. Leave them comments too.

Sunday, April 29, 2007


I just added a new side bar with movies I love on my blog. Actually love is a strong word, but it is really just movies I found off my Netlflix list that I remember liking a whole lot! Anyone agree with any of these choices? Disagree? What movies do you like. What do you recommend I watch next!

Just finished watching THE LAST KING OF SCOTLAND and really enjoyed it. Great choice for the night.

Off to bed now ...

good bye mom and dad ...

My parents have been here since Friday and they are leaving tomorrow .... I'm sad for this. I LOVE when they visit. They love on my kids so much and buy me food, and we have a great time. This time they were here to support my big race and so now their time here is over. Hubby is on his way home and we'll hang tomorrow with Mom and Dad before they leave.

Madison's Room contest

the ladies over at 5 minutes for mom are holding another contest. this one is sponsored by Madison's Room and it is full of some super cute things! if i win i'll be giving them for gifts since i'm not blessed with a little girl yet! go NOW and register though b/c the contest is almost over.

John Mayer and LIGHT GREEN

I subscribe to John Mayer's blog and tonight read an interesting entry on his blog about global awareness. His ideas are not to go out and change your entire life and GO GREEN all of a sudden, but yet to become LIGHT GREEN! To change one thing at a time. Go here and read his blog: John Mayer Blog

I know I've told you, but here are my LIGHT GREEN ideas ....
1. Bio-degradable diapers (I use at least 2 a day)
2. As light bulbs go out we will replace them with the ones that last forever
3. I am buying non-toxic cleaners as I replace the old ones

Baby steps ...

what are you doing?

Saturday, April 28, 2007

13.1 miles with an update ...

I DID IT! 13.1 miles today. I have been training since January and today was THE day! It was early this morning and Becca and I got down to Centential Park about 6:45 am for a 7 am race start. We were in the 13th corral and so it took us about 20 minutes to get to the start line.

The race was great and my goal was to finish under 2 hours and 10 minutes. I was set to pace myself for about 9:30 to 10:00 minute miles. The first mile Becca and I ran was 8:30!!! Way too fast for our first mile! :)

We had fun and my parents flew up yesterday to help with the boys and to cheer me on. Here are some pics to prove my acheivement!

I saw the family during the race around mile five and was able to give the BIg Boy a kiss. He was kinda of caught off guard and didn't know what to think when I ran up to him!

It was fun and I can see myself doing this again someday. Right now my WHOLE body hurts and I want to just lay in bed all day! My knees hurt my calves hurt, my toes hurt, my back hurts .... wow I hurt!

I finished at 2:06.46 so I was very proud of myself!

***I found my "official" time today in the paper - I finished 5,727th with a time of 2:07:06. The last place in the paper was 19,416 so I think I did pretty well! The first place in my age group (25-29) was 1:24:40! WOW that is grooving! BUT get this ... the first place in age group 12-14 was 1:42:26. What the heck? That girl is amazing! Today my body doesn't hurt too bad, just my knee caps. I know it is random but they do hurt!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Going green ...

So many of you read my post earlier in the week on going green and helping out our environment. I have taken a few baby steps myself and feel good while doing them even though one is kinda gross and Aaron is refusing to do it!!!!

I have never even considered doing anything for the environment. I'm not sure why I have never taken the time to sit down and figure out what my family and I can do to help, but we never have. I think growing up I heard many people say things like, "We don't need to worry about the earth because Jesus is coming back soon". I bought into this for years and now I'm not buying it anymore. It is almost like saying that we don't need to eat healthy or exercise because Jesus might come back soon and we'll have a new body in heaven anyways. Doesn't make sense does it?

I am now thinking that I should do something to help. I want to teach my children to take care of our house, our community, our country and our world. What is wrong with that? What is wrong with instilling a sense of service in our kids? I am now vowing to try to do this more.

I will be honest this is not easy. It is a matter of changing your whole outlook on everything. It is about taking time to think about things that matter. Taking time to shop for items that are environmental friendly. It means doing things a little different to make a big difference.

My small steps this week have been to purchase a few cleaning products that are better for our environment. Here is what it says on the back of my new all-purpose cleaner - If every household in the US replaced just one bottle of 32 oz. patroeleum based all-purpose cleaner with our renewable resource based product, we could save 7,100 barrels of oil, enough to heat and cool 400 U.S. homes for a year! Then on the back of my new dishwashing soap it says if every household in the U.S. replaced just one bottle of 25 oz.petroleum based dishwashiing liquid with our 25 oz. vegetable based product, we could save 81,000 barrels of oil, enough to heat and cool 4,600 U.S homes for a year!

Those statistics sound good to me! It makes me feel as though I am making a small difference. I will buy non-toxic and biodegradable products from now on. Yes, they may be a tad bit more expensive, but it is really not much and it is helping the earth.

My next BIG step was different diapers. YES I was moved by the fact that it takes up to 500 years for a disposable diaper to biodegrade in a landfill. Wow that is just one diaper. We use at least 4-6 a day just in our home. Aaron asked if it really made a difference for us to switch some of our diapers. YES that is the point ... we all have to do our part. This is hard for me, but so far in two days I've saved four diapers from going in the landfill. I don't use them at school or church, I wouldn't do that to Little Boy's teachers! So far the poopies have been VERY gross and honestly it made me want to quit them all ready! BUT we'll keep going. If you have kids in diapers please go visit this site. I'm not pushing you to do this, but at least check it out. No I haven't given up disposable diapers, but I will vow to cut back on the amount that I use and put into our landfills! Check out gdiapers

owning a lawn mower ...

We are the proud ownders of a brand new lawn mower and weed eater! We have lived in our house for about 2.5 years and have always paid someone to do this type of stuff. I think we are becoming great home owners! Aaron has left to go and get gas and I'm getting ready to mow the lawn and he'll do the edging! I have not mowed since high school .... I'll let you know how things go!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


I LOVE my hubby .... I'll write more about this tomorrow ...

Pioneer Days

I took the boys to the Pioneer Days this weekend and we had a blast. We first went in the morning and then I realized that I was a bad mommy with NO money for the pony ride so we had to go home and then return after lunch and naps. I mean we do have our priorities!!

The boys had fun and were each able to ride a pony and then we all did the hay ride. The kids had fun and it was a great day to get out and go back to the pioneer days!! ON a side note there was a lady there selling African Shea Butter and I purchased some to hopefully help with Little Boy's skin. We'll see how it all works out.

It won't let me post pics ... I'll try in a few days!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Encouraging post

As many of you know I am always thinking the grass is greener on the other side. That is a struggle of mine and it goes into lots of areas of my life. I am dealing with it and dealing with it and dealing with it. I found a great post today from a ministry site that talks about this. It goes out to all mother's with small children who think they need to be doing more. This was just for me and in fact I will read it again today and probably again tomorrow, and in fact I may save it for all those other days when I feel as though God is not using me when in fact he is using me in the best way possible right now.

Have a great Monday. Aaron is home and we are happy! GMA week is this week so we have a super busy daddy, but none the less he is home! We love him!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Earth Day

I am ashamed to admit that I am not very earth friendly. I don't recycle and usually never think about anything that might effect our earth in the years to come. I know some of you are very upset with me, but isn't the first step in correcting your problem acknowledging it? So, here I am watching Oprah and listening to all the tips on "going green". I will list some of what she said:

1. plastic bags can take 1,000 years to decompose in a landfill and paper bags use an estimated 14 million trees in one year - what we should do is bring your own reusable bags. Okay this one will be hard for me ... not sure why, but it will be.

2. Buy organic b/c no pestisides are used in growing - okay I can do this one.

3. Green dimes says they can stop an estimate of 70-90% of junk mail from coming to your house. Aaron will love this one. He HATES junk mail. In fact just a few weeks ago he decided to make a statement to the mail lady and refused to remove the junk mail from our mail box. I tried and tried to explain to him that it wasn't her personally that was responsible. To no avail he said someone had to pay and unfortunately it was her. Don't worry, I slip out there and take it all out when he isn't looking! I know it is not our sweet mail lady who is in charge of the amount of junk mail we receive!

4. Napkins - we use 2200 per year on average per person. If we all gave up one napkin a day it would save a billion paper waste from going to landfills per year. WOW!

5. Cleaning products are putting stuff in the air that can cause asthma and other problems. The "clean" smell that we love is not really clean. It can be toxic. Visit these sites to see NON TOXIC products. Seventh Generation which they said you can find at Target and other health food stores. Meyer's cleaning products can be found online. Method cleaning cloths so you don't have to use spray. These can be found at Target too. Shaklee is also very good too. I think I might go online and get some of their stuff. I just hate to think that I'm hurting my kids with my cleaning. Good thing for them I don't clean that often!!! GO visit now b/c they are having a sale for Earth Day!

6. When stuff is plugged in and not on it is still using energy - about 40%. You should use a smart power strip ($32.99) that will save you money on your electric bill and save energy too.

7. Change your light bulbs - buy a compact florescent light bulb - 75% more effecient and you'll recognize savings on your electric bill! They last 8-10 years. One lady saved over $50 her first month! WOW! Look for CFL light bulbs! They are about $5.99 but last forever!

8. RECYCLE - I am guilty of NOT doing this. How do I get those bins so someone will come pick it up???? Takes 100 years for glass to break down in landfill! Remove the lid and rinse them out first. Find out the rules in your area, go here.

9. Did yo know that Starbuck's offers you a 10 cent discount if you bring your own mug! Wow and then you don't trash anything!

10. Keep thermostat at 78 in summer - UM we won't be doing that. Aaron would DIE! Ours is more like 68!

Okay so this is a lot of information and I can't believe I just sat here and watched this whole show and typed out what I was hearing. I am going to make small steps. We'll start with new light bulbs and a smart strip. I'll start looking for new cleaning supplies and will look to find out about recycling in my area.

I'm a weirdo!

I'm not quite sure why, but about every other month I get in the mood to search for a job. I start to feel as though there is something bigger for me out there. I start to feel as though I need to do more to contribute financially to our home. I seem to think at the moment that I'm searching that I need to be out there in the real world, doing real world stuff, and dealing with real world people.

Usually what happens is I waste about 2 hours of my life and realize that there is nothing that I want and I need to be happy and content with where God has me now in this season of my life.

Here is one of my main problems in my job searching .... I want the job that takes people about 10 years of work to secure!!! ha ha! You think I'm kidding, but oh no I'm not! I want to jump straight to the lead evening news anchor, to the main events coordinator of a huge hotel, or a publicist for a BIG star. I think I desire FAME! HA HA! I'm a weirdo!

The same thing happened this morning that always happens after I pursue this job search thing .... I woke up and felt guilty for WASTING so much time searching for nothing!

Here was my vulnerable post for the week .... I desire to be famous. Anyone else?

and yet another ....

Another contest! A new purse - go and check it out and maybe you could be sporting this around town soon!

Go visit this site.

another contest

They are at it again over at 5Minutes for Mom! This time it is a contest for a 9″ Philips Digital Photo Frame!!!

Go check them out and maybe you could win!

Saturday, April 21, 2007



“I wonder how many people never get the one they want, but end up with the one they're supposed to have”. What a fabulous line from Fried Green Tomatoes, a movie that everyone should have on their TOP 100 MOVIE list! I feel like this quote tells the story of my love life up until the man of my dreams swept me off my feet when I wasn’t even looking for love. It seems as though I never had a healthy relationship with the men I was dating. The relationship always turned very physical and then that was it. There was not the emotional and spiritual connection that I longed for. There wasn’t the security of knowing he would love me in sickness and in health. There were never the thoughts of “us” in 30 years. Why did I stay? Why did I always settle for what was not best for me? This, my friend is what often happens with girls. We stay. We settle. We lower our standards. We take what we think is all we can get. Why?

Friday, April 20, 2007


I must brag on myself for one moment. I just arrived home from a ten mile run! Did you read that TEN MILES of non-stop running! I stopped twice for water and twice to adjust my ipod and finished in one hour and thirty-eight minutes (I know for some of you that is slow, but hey for me I was very proud!). I was very tired and now just want to lay on the couch and sleep but of course there is laundry to be done and a bathroom to be cleaned!

Next Saturday I'll be running 13 miles! WOW I think I might cry at the end! My parents are coming up to cheer me on since Aaron will miss it. :(

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Funny story.

Funny story this week! (remember my hubby's name is aaron ...)

Me: We have to go run some errands for daddy and then we'll come home for nap.
Big Boy: Okay

after running errands and on our way home ...

Me: It is time to go home now boys and take a nap.
Big Boy: NO! I want to go see aaron daddy.
Me: what?
Big Boy: You said we were going to see aaron daddy.
Me: Oh baby, not aaron but errand with a "d".
Big Boy: No I want to see aaron daddy!

It was not worth explaining the difference between Aaron and errand!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Everything Changes ....

Everything changes when you have kids. When tragedy strikes my mind goes directly to my kids. All of the people that were killed today in Virginia are someone's kids. They have parents that are grieving tonight in a way that I pray I never have to experience.

As I was sitting in the boys room tonight getting them ready for bed we were listening to a SPUR cd and the song "wonderful cross" was going and tears started streaming down my face. I was not understanding while God allows all these BAD things to happen in this world. How can 32 people go about their normal day, not knowing that it was their last day on this earth, and have tragedy come upon their lives in their normal Monday morning. Crazy! Then my mind started thinking about the song that was playing in the room. The wonderful cross - The wonderful cross! Thank you Jesus for the hope that you have given us. The hope that this world is not our end. The confidence that you are still in charge when it seems as though no one is in charge. The strength to go on tomorrow even when we have a day like this.

Jesus, I ask that you comfort these families and loved ones tonight.

Marthon update!

Remember I am set to run 13.2 miles in about 12 days! Also remember that until today I had not run in many, many days due to sickness and vacation. Today I hit the treadmill again and it was fun and sad all in one. I was so happy to be back at running, but so sad that I didn't get to run too far and I was a little more winded than I would have been a few weeks ago!

Oh well, let's not look at the negative let's look at the positive side - I'M BACK! Tomorrow I will get back outside and run because I HATE the treadmill!

Check out this story .... this is what I call dedication!

Mission Trip fundraiser

Our great friends the Shingleton's are going to Brazil this summer on a mission trip and they are selling T-shirts to help raise money for their trip. Their whole family of five will be going so they are trying to raise about $5,000 for this trip. The t-shirts are way cool and were designed by my amazing artistic brother-in-law, Tim. If you would like one they are $15 and $3 for shipping (per shirt) if you live out of town.

Email Shawnah if you would like one!

Adoption fund raiser

I am always an advocate for adoption and always LOVE to help when someone is having some sort of fund raiser to help with the financial side of their adoption.

Some of our greatest friends, Matt & Rachel, are in the process of adopting their next child from El Salvador. I could not be happier for them. They are already the proud parents to a beautiful baby girl, Ava, and will be wonderful parents to whatever child God has picked out for them!

Here's where YOU can help too! Visit their site and see how you can order these beautiful blankets and all the money goes towards their adoption! These blankets are wonderful and would make PERFECT baby gifts for your next baby shower!

So, GO NOW and visit and pray and BUY!!!


Okay first I must say I am so sorry about the post from yesterday. Man, was I in a bad mood or what? I must say just in case you are wondering life is back to normal and I am feeling so well today! Last night was great and this morning I woke up happy and my head didn't hurt a bit. Life is better when your head isn't about to explode!

Today as I was making the boys lunches I started to wonder. What do other mom's feed their kids for lunch? I always want new ideas and a chance to get good healthy food in their bodies in new and fresh ways. As you may remember, Little Boy is not the best eater (of good food at least!) and Big Boy will eat just about anything!

Today they had 1/4 of a peanut butter (all natural, of course) sandwich on wheat bread, carrots (big boy only), grapes, apple slices, green beans and potatoes (from a can!), and yogurt. To drink they had some of the V8 juice that is fruit flavored - the LOVE it!

So, what's for dinner .... not so sure. Aaron is the cook, not me!

What do you feed your kids for lunch? Any great ideas on fun stuff to try that is healthy and good for them? Thanks for your thoughts

Sunday, April 15, 2007

poor guy.

Ever feel like this .....

Not my day - actually NOT MY WEEK! (UPDATE)

Anyone ever feel as though life is going on around them but they are just kind of spinning in place not really moving anywhere? That has been me this week. I look back and feel as though I can't get back to normal. I can't do the things I'm supposed to do and can't figure out what my deal is. After getting home from vacation on Monday I don't think much has gotten done around here. Let me list out what has been dragging me down so you'll see what I'm working with ...

1. BIGGEST thing - started getting sick in TX and can't shake it. My head feels as though it might explode at any moment! Finally got medicine yesterday - hopefully things will be looking up soon!
2. Haven't ran in ELEVEN days. What the heck is wrong with me? Well, my head feeling as though it might explode at any moment is what is keeping me indoors, and the fact that it is freaking 38 degrees here and it is April 15 - what is that about?? 1/2 Marathon is in 13 days!
3. Laundry is about to take over my house ...... enough said.
4. Haven't cleaned the dowstairs bathroom in 2 weeks - GROSS I know!
5. Why is it that 2 adults and 2 children live here and I think I run the dishwasher at least once a day and sometimes twice and it seems as though there are always dirty dishes.
6. I haven't even sat down once to read my bible this week. I think this could be a big factor in my BLAH mood all week. I'm not getting fed by the word and it is bothering me.
7. I attended training this Sat to work in our children's ministry. I am not one that LOVES to work with little kids, but my kids are there and they need help so I feel obligated. I found out Sat that I was teaching the next day (today) Kindergarten and first grade! I was nervous and it went okay. BUT for some reason it drained me and made my head hurt a million times worse!
8. Thought I had a baby sitter for tomorrow night's ladies event and turns out I didn't. Already called 4 baby sitters and haven't found one yet. I NEED a live in nanny!!!!

WOW are you depressed yet? Why am I in such a funk? Could I possibly complain any more?

There might be an opportunity for me next Fall and I haven't heard anything about it and they said they would call Wed. I am over analyzing their lack of calling. Did they hate me? Did they forget about me? Are they that disorganized that I simply fell between the cracks?

I want to design and sell children's t shirts and we have two designs and I want to get moving. This is on my mind lots. I can't wait to share them with you. You all will love them!

Big Boy pooped in his pants and that is really bothering me. Why is he so inconsistent in this area? Is it because he is 3? Ha.

I had four girlfriends over last night and we had dinner and talked and caught up on life and it was wonderful. As bad as I felt and wanted to sleep and be all alone it was worth every minute to have them here. I love my friends. I am thankful for their lives.

So, as I sit on the couch today surrounded by clean laundry to fold and my boys are sleeping I want time to stop. I want everything around me to stop moving and let me have a few days to catch back up to life. Wouldn't that be nice if every 3 months we got a FREE day. A day that no one else moved and we could catch back up with everyone else. I think I'm dreaming. I think that going out of town requires a two week catch up period! I have one more week to catch back up!

I'm sorry if you read this and now are depressed. Actually if you are at the bottom of this I have no idea why you kept reading. My sorrows and complaints are really not for you to be bored with, and as I went back and read this I am seeing how whiny I am being. I promise to be in a better mood with my next post. Today is just not my day!

*UPDATE - okay after I typed this I took a nap. I just woke up and for the first time in about a week when I sat up my head didn't feel as thought it might explode or roll off my neck. Tonight will be a good night!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

heart breaking

Could anything be worse than this right now? Check out Rachel's story and please think of her tonight as you pray and go throughout your normal routines.

*Update - I updated the link today so hopefully you can visit it now. Rachel also passed away Friday morning. Pray for her family now.

hole in the pants

You know how sometimes just the ordinary can jump out at you and scare you to death. I don't mean literally scare you, but scare you to where you think that things are progressing too fast. Where a moment comes upon you and you thought you had longer before it would happen to you.

Today I had that moment. You might laugh, but it was over a pair of Big Boy's jeans. I was putting clothes in the wash, just like every other normal day, and I was about to put in a pair of his jeans when I noticed it. Two holes were tearing in the knee and they were looking rather worn. These jeans are less than a year old and now have two holes in them.

I'm not saying I do not like the holes, because I happen to pay lots of money for jeans with holes already in them, but it just struck me. My little baby (Big Boy) is not so little anymore. His jeans are worn with holes from playing and moving lots. His life is different now. He is growing tons and is starting to do things on his own. He has started standing when he goes pee-pee and doesn't need my help in pulling up his pants. He uses a napkin (sometimes) and even used an adult spoon this morning for breakfast!

While I was doing an everyday task as laundry for my family I was reminded that these days are moving fast and when they are gone, then they are gone. I cherish my boys and have cherished all the years I've been able to be home with them. They bring me so much joy and genuinely light up my days!

I guess I can save these jeans for Little Boy in a few years and they can be his "cool" ROCK STAR jeans with holes in them, if that is still "cool" then!!!!


Another contest is going on at 5 minutes for mom and wouldn't it be fun to win!

This contest is for a cute little bowl by Sick Bear that your little one can hold when they are sick and need to ... well you know ... throw up! Gross I know, but one mom saw the need and ran with her new invention. Luckily we have not experienced this with Little Boy yet, but we have with Big Boy. There is nothing like holding your child in the middle of the night and allowing them to vomit on you because they need to be held and want your love. I would not let anyone else do that - not even Aaron - only my kids!

So, go over to their site and put yourself in the contest! I hope you don't win! Ha Ha! I hope I do! Actually I think it would be cool for someone I knew to win, so spread the word and go register!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Oh my gosh was it good tonight or what???? What the heck. I was just starting to believe and trust Juliette and then at the very end ... oh no she is BAD. What the heck? Lost was so good tonight. I am starting to LOVE this show again!


I just read an amazing blog over at the LIVING PROOF blog. To think that Beth Moore at one point was praying some of the same things that I pray as a mom of toddlers was such an encouragement. I mean if Beth Moore can become the woman she has become and she too had the same struggles and fears that I have now maybe there is hope for me! Ha Ha! She also said that she worked at Mother's Day Out when her girls were little and so do I! I was also cracking up at her comment about her hand bell playing days. Who didn't do hand bells if you grew up in a Baptist church???!!!!

But on a serious note. She talked in her post about moms needing moms. Isn't that the truth these days? Sometimes it is hard to find the time to get together for play dates, but we need them so badly. When I actually do get together with other moms and we let our kids play I always feel such a bond with them. Even if we don't have a lot in common we always get along great b/c we do have the common bond of "motherhood" and that goes a long way!

I am going to try to host a play date soon. I think our new patio will be great for moms to sit on and kids to play in the yard. :) You bloggers need to keep me accountable, b/c I'll back out!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Pictures, pictures, pictures

Well for the few of you that care I am finally uploading some pictures of our patio that I took today!

Aaron spent today picking out patio furniture and putting it together for us. He had great help from two little boys!
Who had any clue that patio furniture was so expensive. Oh my goodness is what I have to say to that. We found some cheap stuff at Big Lots and actually it looks great even though it was the cheapest we could find! :) I love it and it is perfect for us. We bought a big umbrella to go on the top and Aaron bought some lights to go all around the inside as well. I LOVE IT! He also bought some lights to go on the fence and we'll eventually get more to go around further on the fence. That will look awesome! He bought some flowers and a fern (maybe that is what it is!???) to hang on the fence too.

Here are the steps leading from the back porch to the new patio!

We spent all afternoon playing in the sand box with the new sand since we let the old sand get GROSS! The boys played with their car and we brought the "garage toy box" out to the back and it has a new home on the back porch. :) It was a perfect night for us. Aaron cooked a fabulous dinner (as usual) and we all ate outside around the new table with the lights on, the candles burning, the fire going, and lots of laughter from little boys.

It was a perfect night and I know that our family will spend most nights outside around our new table enjoying the outoors! The night ended on a great note with the boys in their bed "reading" books. We snuck up and got this picture of them being good, good boys!

Monday, April 9, 2007


OH MY GOODNESS is all I can say tonight! We finally arrived home from H-town and Aaron escorted me to the back yard and YES I have a patio!!! I am so excited. You know this is what I was hoping for. He said we never talked about the surprise and yes he is kinda right .... we have always talked about a deck and he built me a stone patio! 159 stones in all!!!! I LOVE IT and he was right in knowing exactly what I would want. He even put rocks leading out from our backdoor to the new patio. I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT!

For those of you that have not seen our back yard you will never appreciate all that he did. It was a JUNGLE right behind our garage and he has begun a masterpiece. We have so many new ideas now to do with our backyard. Finally our kids can play in the backyard like normal little boys instead of in our driveway! We want plants, pots, umbrellas, teki (how do you spell that one?) torches, a swing set and so much more now!!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH - have I mentioned that?

I will post pictures tomorrow since it is dark now. I know that you will too be impressed with my hubby's fine work of art!

This makes me so proud to be his wife. He does so much for me and is constantly thinking of me and what our family and I will love! I LOVE HIM and I LOVE our new PATIO!!!

Aaron's surprise secret project

1. It has red in it.
2. I will use it daily.
3. It cost $300 to make and would have cost $1200 to pay someone to do it.
4. You can always add stuff to it.
5. It took Aaron 40 hours and 2 guys helped him over 5 days.
6. I will love it!
7. He pulled a muscle in his butt while working! (sounds shady to me!!!)
8. He got a little sunburn from working outside.

These are the clues that have been given to me by Aaron about the "secret project" that he worked on all week while I was gone. We are now packing our suitcases at Grandma and Grandpa's house and will be home today so I will FINALLY know what this project is. I can not wait. He has been telling me about this all week long but refuses to tell me what it is. The funny thing is that so many people know about this but no one has slipped up yet and let me in on the secret.

I didn't think Aaron could hold out this long. I just knew that I could sweet talk him one night in bed and he would want to tell me so bad that he would blurt it out and be so excited for me to know. NO such luck for me!

So, today we arrive back home and Aaron will drop me off at the Y so I can finally get a good workout in (that's another post, but I've been horrible with my working out while on vacation!) and he is heading out to get one more final touch for the project.

My top three guesses were:
1. A deck outside
2. Tile flooring in the bathroom
3. A built in entertainment center

Then he tell's me that we have NEVER talked about doing this to our house and I am completely stumped as to what it could be.

SO .... any guesses from you? I'll be posting tonight with lots of pictures and will tell you all about it.

Man I LOVE my man!

Sunday, April 8, 2007


I wish so badly that I could tell you that this was the first Diet Coke I have had since I began LENT, but unfortunately I did not do to0 well with my sacrifice. I did great for about 2 weeks and then things went down hill from there. Then I got my act back together and got back on track. My vacation this week was awful and you would not have known that I had given up Diet Coke at all. I had one every day at lunch and didn't even think bad about it.
I realize that I didn't do too well in the area of sacrifice this year. I feel bad

random pictures ....

I have so many pictures to share from my recent trip through TX.

Here are some from the train ride from Palestine to Rusk and back. Big Boy loved it had a blast. Little Boy liked it but wasn't too impressed and we were all happy when he finally crashed on the way home!

Fredricksburg was lots of fun!

Big Boy took this pic of mom and I!

While in Fredricksburg we went to the Wilderness Farms and went through the butterfly exhibit. Big Boy loved finding all the butterflies and letting them land on him!

Nana and Pops with the boys before we left their house for Grandma and Grandpa's house.

The whole family before we went to Marcus and Chrystal's wedding, which was wonderful!

Maris and I at the wedding.

The whole family this morning at First Pres of Houston for Easter.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

6 babies

One thing I love about coming to my parents house is that they have cable. Isn't that funny! I could watch TLC and Discovery Health all day long if I had the time, and unfortunately I do that here and end up staying up way too late! I was up past midnight last night watching a show on TLC about a family that has 8 kids. That doesn't sound like too big of a deal, except that the first two came at the same time and so did the last six. SIX BABIES at one time! OH MY GOSH! On they show they were all the same age as Little Boy and I kept thinking about how sometimes just him wears me down and she has six of them.

They were so organized (she was at least and he just followed in line!) and took everything in stride. Isn't that just how life is for us. Sometimes we get more than we can handle and all we can do is just live life one day at a time. She said that she could get very stressed out if she thought about 6 preschool kids, or 6 middle schoolers, or 6 kids driving, but instead she focuses on today. What more can you do. I think I could learn a lot from her.

Today I will focus on today.

Sunday, April 1, 2007


visit my hubby's blog and tell him what questions you are asking lately?


Yes we made it safely to TEXAS on the airplane the other day. Big Boy was SO EXCITED to fly on an airplane and did so well. He kept waiting for the plane to arrive and told everyone he came in contact with that he was going on an airplane! They all laughed b/c so were they and everyone else that was around us!!!

We had to walk down stairs to the plane outside and then up stairs to get on it. UGH for a mom with two toddlers, a carry on bag, a backpack full of toys and snacks and a stroller. BUT a very nice man and lady helped and we made it on the plane just great. Big Boy was hilarious b/c he was in front of me and by the time I showed the lady our ticket so she could tell me what row we were in (not sure why I didn't figure that one out while we were waiting for the plane, but oh well) Big Boy had already planted himself in the first seat he found and was trying to get buckled up!!! I laughed at that one and had to convince him that our seats were somewhere else.

Little Boy fell asleep about an hour into the flight and slept for 30 minutes. I was blessed b/c that morning I had prayed specifically for three things. #1 that no one would have to poppy on the plane. #2 that Little Boy would sleep some, and #3 that Big Boy would not need to potty. The first two were great and about 20 minutes before we landed Big Boy informed me he needed to potty. So off all three of us went to the little potty in the back of the Continental Express Jet. It was a tight squeeze, but we made it and Big Boy went potty while I reminded him ever 5 seconds not to touch anything and Little Boy kept occupied by completely emptying the entire roll of toilet paper!!! At least he was touching anything on the nasty floor!!!

Our trip has been fabulous and I feel as though we've done so much. We drove to Tyler yesterday to visit the flowers. Seriously three weekends in March they have the azalea trail and the flowers were beautiful!!! It was just my mom, my grandma, my aunt Sarah and myself since Kristen and her mom kept the boys for us! Then we had dinner with the Kiel's and enjoyed that so much as well.

Today we were up early and drove to Palestine to ride the train from there to Rusk. Big Boy loved riding on a "thomas" and both of them did fairly well considering we were on that train for an hour and a half there and then had an hour and a half for lunch, and then an hour and a half back!! Little Boy finally crashed on the way back.

I have been running here and it has been hard. My parents work at Trinity Pines Conference Center and there is a mile loop around the camp that I've been doing. Half of it is up and half of it is down. Wow the up part is hard! I ran 8 miles on Friday in one hour and 14 minutes. I have never run continuously for that long in my entire life. I think I'm ready for this half marathon to be over! 4 more weeks! My knee has not bothered me in a few weeks. After the last time it started hurting so bad I took some time off and things have been better. I'm now only running about 3-4 times a week instead of 5-6. I also usually take a mortin after long runs and ice my knee after long runs too.

Okay well I must get back to their house since I"m in the office using wireless internet. Tomorrow is lazy day for us! Yeah! Tuesday we're off to Brownwood to visit Mimi and then Wed and Thursday night we're in Fredericksburg!!! Then on Friday my hubby flies in and we head to his parents house for the weekend. I CAN NOT wait to see him. I miss him! He is home alone and I know he is missing me!!! Love you baby!

Let's win

Okay girls, go over to 5 minutes for mom and enter the giveaway and maybe you could win a new DYSON slim vacuum cleaner!! I do hope that I win though!!! Sorry.