
Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Great wedding weekend!

I LOVE weddings. I LOVE to see two people become one. I LOVE to see two people so in love finally get to be together all the time. This weekend we had the joy to be a part of the union of Chad and Stephanie. Chad is in the band and they have dated long distance for four years! Isn't that amazing that they stuck it out, both graduated college, and kept their relationship pure for four years. I am a proud friend.

Aaron performed the wedding and I think he did a fabulous job. He spoke from his heart and loved them and encouraged them in their journey that lies ahead of them.

Here are a few pictures from the rehearsal dinner which was at Cafe Adobe. We had so much fun hanging with friends and singing karaoke! What a fun night!


Rachel said...

it was so good to see you guys again! i wish i could have experienced the karaoke!!

Gwen Oatsvall said...

sounds like a good time ... it looks like someone else in the family may desire a singing career from the looks of karaoke ???

melneyann said...

Karaoke...I think that might be a good idea for someone we know's bachelorette party.

What'd you think?? We should talk soon!

Love ya James!

debra parker said...

It looks like you had a great time. I love the dress.

ginger said...

mel, that's an AMAZING idea! she'd love it!

jamie, your absolute, total hotness radiates from these pictures... you've set an unbelieveably high standard for hot moms all over the country. none can compare!

Anonymous said...

I love weddings because of the cake and the dancing! And the wedding dress, I love to see a good wedding dress. Am I superficial? Why yes.

I was so relieved to see you were dancing and singing! There's nothing worse than a wedding without some boogy.

And you look beautiful.

The other Jamie