
Thursday, March 15, 2007

I think we could be ....

I am almost scared to say the words in fear of what could happen tomorrow, BUT I think we are POTTY TRAINED. I can't believe I just said that! Today marks one week of big boy underwear all day long with NO accidents. We are wearing pull ups at night, but every morning he has woken up dry as well. It is as if it just clicked or something. About 2 weeks ago he stood upstairs in my bedroom and just watched himself pee all over himself and the floor! Then the next day we started doing big boy underwear all the time at home and would put up a pull-up on for anytime we left the house. Well, all of a sudden I think we have it. We've been "experimenting" with big boy underwear and pull ups since January, so we're ready for this. We will be so happy to have only one child in diapers!!! I know we have also entered a new level b/c he is now telling us when he needs to go and it is not just us taking him to sit on the potty every hour on the hour!


Kelly said...

congratulations!! I remember the blessed day of going from two in diapers to one in diapers!

Gwen Oatsvall said...

yeah !!! savings alone on pull-ups will be huge. i am super excited for you. we are all in big girl/boy underwear/panties in our house (until maggie gets here), but i will enjoy it while it last ...

Jen said...

YEAH! thats such a good place to be! Riley is close, she does really well during the day unless shes totally distracted by some silly game that she and syd are playing.